AMPAM Parks Mechanical | AMPAM Attends 2017 PCBC in San Diego
AMPAM is California's #1 design-build multifamily residential plumbing subcontractor, specializing in high-rise, multi-use, student and senior housing.
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AMPAM Attends 2017 PCBC in San Diego

AMPAM Attends 2017 PCBC in San Diego

AMPAM Parks Mechanical brought the team from Southern California even further south to attend the PCBC Conference at the San Diego Convention Center June 27-30, 2017.

“PCBC is an important conference for us,” said AMPAM’s VP of Business Development, Drew DeFalle, “we attend the show annually whether it’s in San Francisco or San Diego. Our projects cover the state of California, so it makes sense for us to support events in the homebuilding industry that take place throughout the state.”

PCBC offers high-level educational sessions, workshops, networking opportunities and a curated exhibit floor. The hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees who come include businesses primarily in the homebuilding and manufacturing industries. The annual conference launched in 1959 as the Pacific Coast Builders Conference and includes members in 20 of the largest publicly and privately held homebuilders in the U.S. It is sponsored by the California Building Industry Association (CBIA).

Sopann, Suzi Albrecht and Gary Fellhoelter in AMPAM's booth at PCBC.

Drew DeFalle, Mahsa Ghalehshahi, Sochenda Sopann, Suzi Albrecht and Gary Fellhoelter in AMPAM’s booth at PCBC in San Diego.